Microsoft 365 Installation and Configuration for Snow Atlas


This course is part of our ‘learning shorts’ series. Designed to be consumed in a very short space of time but deliver maximum impact.


This Microsoft 365 Installation and Configuration for Snow Atlas course will guide you through how to install the Snow Extender and the Snow Integration Manager applications.

There will be multiple interactive knowledge checks throughout the course to test your knowledge and understanding of the Snow applications and configurations shown in this course.

Who Should Attend?

This course is aimed at anybody who has existing knowledge of Snow Atlas basics but wishes to expand their understanding of the Microsoft 365 connector.

Technical Consultants who are looking to configure this connector for an upcoming implementation project may find this of use.

What will I learn?

By the end of the course, you will be able to

Install the Snow Extender and Snow Integration Manager applications. To configure the Microsoft 365 connector to aggregate data, and to successfully connect the Snow Extender to Snow Atlas in order to verify the data coming into the platform.


There are no formal assessments and no prerequisites required to complete this course.

Delivery Method

The Microsoft 365 Installation and Configuration for Snow Atlas course is a 20 minute self-paced e-learning course.

Technical Requirements

We recommend using Chrome as your browser and the course is best viewed on a device that supports 1920×1080 resolution.

Enroll in this course

If you wish to enroll in this e-learning course a Snow Academy account is required.

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