Customer newsletter In the Snow, June 2023

Welcome to the second edition of our “In the Snow” 2023 customer newsletter!

In this edition, we are proud to announce that the Oracle Global License
Advisory Services (GLAS) program has verified our on-premises data center
management offering as a third-party tool vendor for Oracle Java SE.

In addition to our usual product updates, you’ll discover valuable Technology
Intelligence resources to see beyond your everyday ITAM tasks to get the best
out of your Snow investment. We also provide a quick update on the 2023
Technology Intelligence Awards.

This is your customer newsletter, designed to support your success and keep
you informed. If you have any ideas for content you would like to see in future
editions, please email us at, or post
them in our Community Feedback group on Snow Globe.

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Product Features

Container Visibility Feature: Available in Snow Atlas as of July 2023

The job of a software asset manager never ends. Just when you think you have a handle on license compliance, the tech world throws a curve ball at you. For example, how do you ensure license compliance in containerized environments?

Next month, we are releasing our first iteration of container visibility capabilities to help SAM professionals gain visibility into commercial applications running in standard containers. Reach out to your Snow account manager to learn how you can access this feature. You can also find out more by following our What’s New at Snow Software blog posts.

New Meeting Booking Tool

There may be occasions when you need to contact Snow Support for assistance.

After reviewing the details, the assigned specialist may ask you to hold a
meeting with them so they can further understand and diagnose the issue.
With our new meeting booking tool, we now offer you an easier way to book
your meetings at a time that is convenient to you. Discover more about it here.

Thank you for giving us your feedback!

On-going feedback is critical for our continued partnership with clients. We appreciate your support by reviewing us on TrustRadius.